Saturday, April 28, 2012 - Warrior's Work: Train With Green Beret-Turned-UFC-Middleweight Tim Kennedy - Warrior's Work: Train With Green Beret-Turned-UFC-Middleweight Tim Kennedy: "At 9:30 a.m. at his latest Muscle and Fitness photo shoot, Tim Kennedy walked into the gym wearing a suit. There weren't any cameras out yet, and you could count the number of people he'd see before changing into his workout gear on one hand, but Kennedy dressed for business anyway. First impressions count, you see, and the chance to inspire the handful of people he'd be working with that day had not yet presented itself. That's what Kennedy does. He inspires."

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Fitness - Jacksonville Florida Top Fitness Boot Camp Reveals 30 Day Fat Loss Winner!

Fitness - Jacksonville Florida Top Fitness Boot Camp Reveals 30 Day Fat Loss Winner!:

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Planks: One of the Greatest Abs Exercises | The Ultimate Pitcher

Planks: One of the Greatest Abs Exercises | The Ultimate Pitcher: "Planks are one of the most effective exercises for achieving strong and defined abs. This abs exercise is well known for its level of difficulty. It takes some serious mental perseverance to hold a plank position for 1-2 minutes, but doing so can do miraculous things for your abdominal muscles and core."

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Friday, April 27, 2012

How Much Muscle Can You Add in a Month? - Build Muscle in a Month

How Much Muscle Can You Add in a Month? - Build Muscle in a Month: "The question of how much muscle growth you can get in a month or year arises regularly in weight training and bodybuilding forums and is a feature of many enticing advertisements on associated web sites and in magazines."

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10 Muscles That Make You Look Big

10 Muscles That Make You Look Big: "Looking big with great muscular definition is the goal of many non-competitive weight trainers and bodybuilders, as well as the more professional, competitive bodybuilders."

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Muscle Up - 12 Pounds of Muscle in 12 Weeks

Muscle Up - 12 Pounds of Muscle in 12 Weeks: "Bodybuilding is a competitive sport in many cases, but, of course, you can do bodybuilding, body shaping or simple muscle building for recreational and body image reasons."

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

100 push up workout

100 push up workout: "Can you do 100 push ups non stop? No matter how good of shape your in, doing 100 push ups in a row is a big task to tackle. "

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chest Workouts - Get a Big Chest - Men's Fitness

Chest Workouts - Get a Big Chest - Men's Fitness: "The chest or pec muscles are a large group that can take on a hefty beating from a workout, but adding a workout finisher will ensure you've stimulated every muscle fiber possible. For these particular finishers, an extreme change in reps will burn out the muscles to maximize new growth."

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012 Gain Strength And Muscle While Losing Fat Gain Strength And Muscle While Losing Fat: "I have no idea how you found this website.

Maybe you heard about it on some other website. Maybe a friend recommended it to you. Perhaps you stumbled on it by pure dumb luck."

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Exercise Video Guides: 900+ Exercises with Instructions & Tips | Muscle & Strength

Exercise Video Guides: 900+ Exercises with Instructions & Tips | Muscle & Strength:

'via Blog this' - Meal Plan For Every Guy - Meal Plan For Every Guy: "If you're going to bulk up, lose fat, or stay healthy in 2012, you'll also need a goal-specific meal plan to get results. We've created templates to help you do all three, along with guidelines to help you track the calories, carbs, protein, and fat you should be shooting for each day."

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

10 Things to Stop Doing When You Train with Weights

10 Things to Stop Doing When You Train with Weights: "You need to warm up before any strenuous exercise. Getting blood flowing to tissues is important for heart function, and muscle performance and flexibility. You can do gentle stretching, light cardio, or in the case of weight training, light lifting as a prelude to heavier lifting in the exercise you have chosen. Deadlifting with bar only or small plates in the warmup is an example of this."

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Building Variety and Progression in Weight Training

Building Variety and Progression in Weight Training: "It's quite common to hear exercisers say that they've been training for many months, lost a few pounds, put on a bit of muscle, but can't seem to progress to the next stage. Of course, as a trainer or coach, unless you monitor and analyze a particular client's every move, including diet, it's impossible to know why someone is not making headway."

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5 Muscle Myths Holding You Back

5 Muscle Myths Holding You Back: "In a hospital, using outdated information is considered malpractice; in a gym, it's standard operating procedure. Don't believe it?"

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Muscle Pyramid – The Best Workout Options for the Best Body

Muscle Pyramid – The Best Workout Options for the Best Body: "When it comes to transforming your body and building a physique that attracts women, nothing works like a well designed weight training program. That is not to say that you don’t have to eat right and do cardio, because that is important too.  But it’s the workout routine that makes all the difference in shaping your body."

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How to Build Muscle Fast: Ectomorph Nutrition to Gain Weight and Build Muscle Fast

How to Build Muscle Fast: Ectomorph Nutrition to Gain Weight and Build Muscle Fast: "I'm sure you are here because you are tired of being skinny and after reading this post you will have the information you need to gain weight and build muscle fast. As an ectomorph the first thing you will need to do to gain weight and build muscle fast is you have to eat more calories than your body burns off. "

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StrongLifts 5x5: Ultimate Strength & Muscle Building Program |

StrongLifts 5x5: Ultimate Strength & Muscle Building Program | "Are you a lifter... or do you plan to lift weights? If so, then this StrongLifts 5x5 program will be the most important routine you'll ever read about.

Here's why: StrongLifts 5×5 is a foolproof training program guaranteed to pack on solid muscle and raw strength... while burning body fat... regardless of your age, genetics and bodytype... in only 3 workouts a week of 45 minutes each."

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Should I Lift Weights if My Muscles Are Still Sore? & How to Recover Faster

Should I Lift Weights if My Muscles Are Still Sore? & How to Recover Faster: "So, you have been hitting the gym hard and 12 to 18 hours later your muscles start to hurt. It is even worse if you are a beginner and have not been doing weight training for a while. And so 2 or 3 days go by and your muscles are still sore, so what should you do, continue to train them or wait until all the pain has subsided."

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

I of the tiger News, Video and Gossip - Gawker

I of the tiger News, Video and Gossip - Gawker: "Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that if you place a drunken child or a cognitively impaired orangutan inside a gym, the very first thing they will do is pick up a dumbbell of mild weight and begin doing bicep curls, over and over, staring at themselves in the mirror, hypnotized. Do not be like a cognitively impaired orangutan. Stop doing curls. Curls are for suckers."

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5 Rare Skinny Guy Muscle Building Tips

5 Rare Skinny Guy Muscle Building Tips: "Today we’re going to share five rare muscle building tips for skinny guys who want to build muscle quickly and naturally.  The information below will require you to read with an open mind."

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The Toughest 15 Minute Muscle Building Workout Ever

The Toughest 15 Minute Muscle Building Workout Ever: "Serious about packing on quality muscle size with just four 15-minute workouts a week? The 6-12-25 Workout is designed for individuals seeking maximal muscular development by trashing the Type 11b, Type 11a and Type 1 muscle fibers in one giant 43-rep set."

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Skinny Guy Workout – Workout For Skinny Guys

Skinny Guy Workout – Workout For Skinny Guys: "Skinny guys have been lead to believe they need to train longer to build big muscles. The reality is that skinny guys need to train less and eat more. Skinny guys must approach building muscle the same way they would approach getting a sun tan."

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Top 10 Weights Exercises You Never Heard Of

Top 10 Weights Exercises You Never Heard Of: "If you've been around weight training a while you will have heard of some of these, but perhaps not all. See how they shape up."

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Advanced Training with Supersets

Advanced Training with Supersets: "You need to work hard to get results in weight training. Those goals might be strength, muscle or weight loss. If you've been working out for six months or so, and you're ready to move up a level, supersets could be for you; but be warned, these sets will hit you hard."

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10 Things to Stop Doing When You Train with Weights

10 Things to Stop Doing When You Train with Weights: "You need to warm up before any strenuous exercise. Getting blood flowing to tissues is important for heart function, and muscle performance and flexibility. You can do gentle stretching, light cardio, or in the case of weight training, light lifting as a prelude to heavier lifting in the exercise you have chosen. Deadlifting with bar only or small plates in the warmup is an example of this."

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The 15-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Workout - Men's Fitness

The 15-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Workout - Men's Fitness: "If you’ve got a set of dumbbells at home, or a wall-length rack at your gym, you can get in and out fast with this routine. you can use the same pair of dumbbells for every exercise."

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