Friday, October 17, 2014

Build Bigger Arms | Men's Health

Build Bigger Arms | Men's Health: "Think you can't do another rep of your favorite upper-body lift? Try this trick: Stand with your feet closer together.

"It's called blocking your feet, and it gives you a firm base of support while engaging all of your muscles from your toes to your head," says BJ Gaddour, C.S.C.S., author of Your Body Is Your Barbell. "

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lolo connect

lolo connect: "One of the most common injuries to sideline a new exerciser is shin splints. There are various reasons why this happens (as well as ways to prevent it), but the biggest cause is from people hopping into a new routine too quickly."

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Introduction to Get Back in Shape | Men's Health

Introduction to Get Back in Shape | Men's Health: "Slumps happen. A few missed workouts can quickly escalate into a few months or more of zilch exercise motivation, and suddenly your pants are snug and the thought of doing a squat makes you cringe. It's happened to all of us at some point. But you can't sit around and wait for the right time to bust out of your rut forever. There will always be something in your way—work deadlines, a steamy new relationship, a fussy child, an injury. That's why today is the perfect day to finally make a change."

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Cardio With Dumbbells | Men's Health

Cardio With Dumbbells | Men's Health: "Cardio doesn't have to make you feel like a hamster on a wheel. Robert dos Remedios, C.S.C.S., head strength and conditioning coach for California's College of the Canyons, uses fast-paced, metabolic dumbbell circuits with his clients to help them blast fat and send their fitness levels soaring—no running required. "

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

How fit are you? - Minneapolis cardio fitness |

How fit are you? - Minneapolis cardio fitness | "Everyone has an idea of how fit they are. You can guess and say that I’m in excellent shape, or I’m not in very decent shape. When you do this, you are making a subjective guess as to how your overall fitness is. If you want to know how fit, you are, you need a series of tasks that can be measured against others that will show you how you compare to what other people in decent physical shape can do."

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Weekend Challenge | Men's Health

Weekend Challenge | Men's Health: "You're about to "feel the burn." In this weekend's challenge, you'll perform lots of reps with lighter weights.

"Using a pair of lighter dumbbells is no joke," says Todd Durkin C.S.C.S., author of The IMPACT! Body Plan. "The lighter load allows you to perform exercises with more power and speed, activating all your muscles fibers." "

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